Over 3,800 Workouts On Demand
Get a workout in anytime on your TV, PC, Tablet, or Phone!
Workout Anytime, anywhere, on any screen.
You can use TheGymbox app on almost any device. That includes your iPad, Android tablet, PC, Google TV, or any other device with a web browser. TheGymbox makes it easy to workout anytime, anywhere you want.
Try the app now.
Try the app now.
If you have an Internet connected Samsung TV or BluRay player with apps, you have immediate acces to TheGymbox. Just flip on your TV, navigate to the app store and install TheGymbox. Within seconds, you'll be able to enjoy thousands of streaming workouts, available anytime, right on your TV. Turn on your television and exercise - that's TheGymbox!
Learn more about Samsung Apps.
Learn more about Samsung Apps.
The powerful Roku player connects easily to your TV just like any standard DVD player and wirelessly to the internet. The tiny box is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, but delivers instant access to TheGymbox, Netflix, Pandora, Major League Baseball, and many other channels. It's easy to use and priced so that it will fit into almost any budget.
Learn More at Roku.com.
Learn More at Roku.com.